Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our favorite breakfast..

Verge and I have fallen in love with smoothies.. we're on our second magic bullet (which we also love). A perfect breakfast food.. frozen cherries and strawberries from Winco, orange juice, honey flavored greek yogurt from Trader Joes ($1.29 and so stinking good), probiotics and raw honey. Great way to start off your morning. On the menu today is venison crockpot stew courtesy of my good friend Kristal Bone and her family's hunting and shooting abilities. Then Verge and I have a date on the ellipticals together at 5:30. How romantic :)

1 comment:

  1. You can also put raw spinach in smoothies and you can't even tell it's in there (except you might see little green specks)! When I do a full blender full of smoothie I pack 1/3 of the blender with spinach. All 4 kids drink it right down!
